...Penney Garrett...

180 degrees

My life has changed in such a dramatic way in the last few months. If my 20-something-year-old self had told my now 30-something-year-old self that this is what I'd be doing I would undoubtedly have laughed, scoffed, and rolled my eyes. How does an individual who tried so hard to live off grid on a farm end up in web development school?

To be sure I've had some moments of identity crisis...

But I've come to realize that this path isn't all that strange for me really. It brings together a lot of things that I enjoy - art, design, puzzles, math - and is giving me one hell of a challenge - something I hate and crave all at the same time. On top of that, I believe that this career path will allow me the financial security and freedom I've always dreamed of. When I really think about why I've done so many different things in my life it's because my one constant desire has always been to see the world and all it has to offer - I am wanderlust through and through. But I have grown weary of doing all those things on other peoples terms. I have poured my heart and soul into other peoples homes, plants, animals, lives...

So now I'm ready to make things happen in my own life, for me.

This is the first step on the path to my new life and, despite struggling and being terrified, I also couldn't be more excited for all that is to come. Each day, though they are long and difficult and often demoralizing, I feel a little bit more confident that I can do this. That even an unfocused and undisciplined person like me can become a developer and reinvent their life. I have some huge mountains to climb in front of me, but every step brings me that much closer to the summit. Wish me luck!
