...Penney Garrett...

Travis CI

...April 17, 2016...
My project at school this last week was to work with a team on an established Rails application in the...

Gitastrophe Lessons Learned

...April 15, 2016...
Sometimes in life when we don't pay attention and get a bit too cocky or lackadaisical, the universe comes along...

Oh Crud!

...January 14, 2016...
Well if I've learned anything in these months of web development school, it's that this stuff is harder than I...

Staying Sane

...November 25, 2015...
I am currently a more-than-full-time student at Turing School of Software and Design studying full-stack web development and it is...

180 degrees

...November 21, 2015...
My life has changed in such a dramatic way in the last few months. If my 20-something-year-old self had told...